

DNS Content Uniformity Testing System SP-3

Product introduction

DNS Content Uniformity Testing System complies with the requirements of content uniformity testing and the fixed quanity examnation. A series of work is automatially done to addition of extracting solvent, addition of internal standart solution, extraction, dilution and filtration.

Applicable products

Tablets, capsules, solid preparations in individual containers

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Overview products

(1) Addition of Extraction Solvent

Seperate vessels (36 pieces) for each sample prevent chemical contamination and raise the accuracy of sample introduction volume.

(2) Addition of internal standart

The part in contact with solvent is used with glass and teflon made syringe pump and is raising the accuracy of solvent introduction vloume.

(3) UV and HPLC Analysis

After pre-treatment, it is possible to analyze with UV and HPLC, or extract into sample vial.

(4) Data analysis and report making

It automatically processes the data analysis, preservation and report making.

(5) Filtration

Commercial disposable filter of pore sizes of 0.2μm and 0.5μm can be used.

(6) Extraction

The extraction by stirrer and ultrasonic wave is possible.

Product features

The system complies with the requirements of content uniformity testing and the fixed quanity examnation. Troublesome work can be done by unattended operation all night.

A series of work is automatially done to addition of extracting solvent, addition of internal standart solution, extraction, dilution and filtration.

An analysis for on and offline UV and HPLC, data analysis as well as the preparation of a report can be performed.

The full automated Content Uniformity Testing System carries out automatically for washing and drying of the extraction vessels.